Friday, 12 March 2010

Hola fellow bloggers!

Just thought I'd share a few snapshots that I got developed recently on my fisheye camera from nights out this year/just before christmas last year, enjoy :)

Winston's Garden@ Wire, 19/02/10

Winston's Garden@ Wire, 19/02/10

Getting ready@ Charlotte's before Winston's

Bigger than Barry and Wax:On Present: Major Lazer@ Mint Club, November 2009.

Winston's Garden again.

This last picture I am in the peak of having a full on cold so I was trying to be a positive as possible, resulting in a goofy pic and me looking hellish! But yay for my best friend Laura.

Slamdunk@ The Cockpit, 02/03/10

Back to reality, I am so sad that Freddie was killed off in this week's episode of Skins. The way in which it was done was so brutal and made me feel VERY uncomfortable, it seemed too real. Agree?

Hasta luego ♥


  1. Cute photos! I love fish-eye lenses. I'm saving up my money for a macro lens right expensive though.

  2. thanks! yeah me too, my best friend bought me a lomography camera for my 20th birthday last year :D you better get saving...

  3. oh i love fish eye lenses!

  4. love these photos


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