Friday, 4 June 2010

Day Out

Hello my lovely readers! First of all I must apologise for my lack of posting, my laptop is currently broken and has been for the past 3 weeks so getting on here isn't as easy as before !

Just a small post on a wonderful day out I spent with my amazing boyfriend Gavin for our anniversary celebrating 4 years together !

Gavin decided to take us to the gorgeous little city of York. For those of you who have never been or haven't heard of it, you definitely should check it out given a chance. Its a small university city in the north of England which boasts a fair amount of historical sights and attractions.

We spent a fair amount of time looking around the shops where i was bought a Cath Kidston cover for my iphone which is so pretty! As you can see from the pictures it was a gorgeous sunny day with  clear skies in some parts!

York Minster

As you can see, there are some gorgeous gothic looking buildings to be seen in York, the minster being one of the main ones !

We also stopped for afternoon tea and toasties :)

 We also visited the York Dungeons which is fairly pricey, but still worth one visit! The hosts take you around little dingy corridors and through darkened rooms to get the feel of historic times in the city of York. Its quite a fun experience unless they pick on you!

Even though i do want to move to America eventually, i really do think England has some great little places to visit, with great views. It really makes you appreciate what is around you and the history of places you have grown up near to. I definitely feel I haven't seen enough of England despite living here for 21 years! Travel is something I definetely believe in and can't understand why some people have never left their hometowns? Strange.

Next post will be on the nail polishes and lip products as previously promised!
Until next time my lovelies! ♥


  1. Looks like you had a fab time. York looks stunning I have wondered where you have been xoxo

  2. Congrats for the four years!
    Lovely blog (:

    Fernanda Lucila

  3. Fabulous buildings. Most buildings in England are so full of history. Love that!

  4. I LOVE York! I also love Leeds, but more for the stores than anything else. York is beautiful. I completely agree with you, i don't understand people who never want to discover anything past the border of their hometown, where's the fun in that? Cute blog!

  5. York looks amazing! I wish there were more places to get tea over hear across the pond. Can't wait for your polish post! Check out my new post!



  6. wow! it is so beautiful there! and the tea looks great! :)

  7. I like these pics so much...Nice blog also...

  8. such gorgeous pictures! I love all the extensive history in England...I dream of visiting someday!

  9. your blog's SO cute! love it
    I love the photos you take

  10. I love York, used to go there all the time when I was really little :)
    Lovely photos!

    Sonia xo

  11. definitely england, entire uk or ireland is a beautiful, spiritual land to appreciate :)

  12. I love coffee every morning, yours looks extra good. Amazing photos! :)


  13. Mm that tea looks yummy :) looks like you had a wonderful time! xx


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