I found it extremely difficult choosing a party that I feel is going to salvage this country from the appalling state the economy currently finds itself in, and also one that is going to benefit my future. There's downsides to all of the parties manifestos.
After a little difficulty locating my polling station (I went into the wrong one and was turned away in front of a line of students haha) I marked my 'X' in the box and prayed it makes a difference and gets rid of the tool that is Gordon Brown.
Pixie Geldof voting today, image from Love Magazine.
Days like today make me think about how so many votes are wasted, from people not caring or from people randomly choosing simply because they genuinely don't know who to vote for. It's such a massive change, all down to one mark on a piece of paper. Politicians have bad reps for not being trusted so how on earth are you supposed to know who to vote for?
I'll be watching the channel 4 alternative election night for a laugh and to stay positive, and we will all see by tomorrow whether it will be a Labour, Conservative or Liberal Democrat government !
Hope you all voted !