Thursday, 25 February 2010

Viva España !

So today has consisted of my planning for my year abroad in Spain the coming September !
It's quite scary to think I only have 3 months of second year left, and that I will be going to be a language assistant in Spain in september to help teach english to primary school kids.

I have been looking at apartments to rent in Madrid tonight, on a website that advertises rooms for really reasonable prices! Roughly around 300-500 euros which works out between £255-450 i think !

I'm really nervous about going as I will be leaving my hometown, Leeds for the first extended period in my life! I'm also leaving behind my amazing boyfriend Gavin, my best galpals Laura, Heidi and Charlotte and all my other lovelies.

I will be getting paid roughly 700 euros a month for 12 hours a week as an assistant (yes only 12 hours!) and then will receive an ERASMUS grant of about 250 euros every month, plus i can apply for my UK student loan, so money clearly shouldn't be an issue.

I'm a little worried about culture shocks, and hopefully being able to fit into their society, but there are so many wonderful places I can visit in my spare time, I am more excited than anything ! And the wonderful shops downtown...

I'd love to be able to go to the Cibeles Fashion week in February 2011, so I will be keeping my eye out for that too !

On a more english note, yesterday I applied for 10 work experience positions in PR. I really want to get some in before i go to Spain as it will be great for my CV and for when i come back and do my final year, i will then be looking for graduate jobs (scary!!)

If anyone knows any good PR companies that deal with fashion, beauty, music or anything along those lines please feel free to email over some suggestions to

til next time lovelies ♥

Monday, 22 February 2010

sigh central.

So spring is looming.. or is it? It actually full on snowed during the night a few days ago. Temperatures are freezing again which I feel is having a dramatic effect on my mood. Roll on the times where I can go out and not have to wear the coat/scarf combination.

I'm feeling tired a lot of the time, mostly due to the amount of work I've been getting from uni. I'm expected to complete 2 sets of spanish homework every week, then I have my major assignments to prepare for. Doing PR aswell is going to be a challenge as it involves more group work, thankfully all of my group are on my spanish course too so at least we are all free at the same time. Also money has had a dramatic effect on life, or lack of money I should rephrase. Being a student really is a strain on the wallet, living away from home really is costly. Simple things such as food cost an absolute fortune and it totally blows.

On a plus, I've been selling some old stuff on ebay to a partial success. I've made £ 28.52 so far from selling 5 items, so hopefully this will continue on a positive streak!

The link to my selling page is right here so feel free to buy anything if you are interested :)

Roll on the weekend, friday payday and possibly this beauty...♥

Saturday, 20 February 2010

get the ball rolling, as they say..

So here I find myself with my first blog post. I decided I wanted to blog because I guess its kinda like a diary, except you want people to read it. I can express myself, vent anger and such and hopefully you won't think I'm a lunatic.

So last night I went to Winston's Garden at Wire, a club in Leeds with one of my best pals Charlotte, had an amazing time! Such good beats, atmosphere and vibes from people. Wasn't as busy as last time yet it was still bangin!

Currently trying to do a translation for my spanish homework, actually cannot be bothered, especially seeing as I'm slightly demotivated by the fact I'm not doing as well as I should be in spanish. I blame it on the failure of last year that was my rubbish tutor. Despite getting a 2.1 overall, it was basic spanish that was far too easy and we didn't even get given work that could improve our language. Instead we had to make a crappy 'port-a-folio' (as she called it) Layme. Anyways, am looking forward to getting a start made on my assignments as it will hopefully hit home that I am making progress, and i will make it to level 3. On with the translation... ♥